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Paintings available: Prices

Charles Thomson paintings available:
Figures | Landscape | Interpretations | Small works

Price guide by size
The prices below are the gallery wall price and a guide, which apply to most paintings, but not all (especially where they have been marked POA - price on application). Please enquire about individual painting to make sure. Prices on many works are negotiable, particularly for multiple purchases. Prices do not include transport of work. VAT is not chargeable.

Unless where otherwise specified, paintings are oil and acrylic on canvas (smaller sizes, under 12 x 16", tend to be in acrylic on canvas). Work on paper costs less usually.

  6 x  8  = £500
10 x 12 = £1000
12 x 16 = £1500
18 x 24 = £2500
24 x 30 = £3000
23.6 x 31.5 = £3200 (60 x 80 cm)
24 x 36 = £3500
30 x 40 = £4000
40 x 40 = £4500
36 x 48 = £5000

Sizes are in inches
Work on canvas.