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This page features, backwards in chronological order,
items that were listed on the homepage under 'latest site additions'


Art Clown of the Year Award announced in The Daily Telegraph (Press Cuttings 9.12.02)
Art Clown of the Year Award (Home 9.12.02)
Stuckist Turner Prize demo outside Tate Britain (photos) (Home 8.12.02)
Demos Archive added (Demos Archive 8.12.02)
Mark Vallen's Website for Art Activism & Social Change (Links 5.12.02)
Stuckism two in a million (Gossip 5.12.02)
New page/paintings S.P. Howarth + Camberwell Art College story (Howarth 29.11.02)
New pictures on Joe Machine page (Machine 29.11.02)
Order Book/CD page updated (Book/CD 28.11.02)
Enquiries page updated - Artists, Collectors, Students, Bookshops (Enquiries 28.11.02)
Will Charles Saatchi buy this one (Home 27.11.02) (Saatchi Bet page 27.11.02)
Mandy McCartin paintings on site ( McCartin 26.11.02)
Charles Thomson interview Resonance 104.4 FM, 5pm 2 Dec (home 25.11.02)
Stuckism in Polish - interview + manifesto(Press Cuttings 25.11.02)
New web site for San Diego Stuckists (Direct link 25.11.02)
Real Turner Prize Show 2002 announced (Home 21.11.02)
New page on Real Turner Prize Show artists (RTPS 21.11.02)
Film/Photography Show at Stuckism Centre, USA (Home 20.11.02)
Serota/Thomson pic dusted out (News 20.11.02)
Search Engine added to site (Home 18.11.02)
Stuckist manifesto in Polish (Manifestos 18.11.02)
Billy Childish memorabilia show (Home 18.11.02)
Government Minister compared to Stuckists (Etymology 18.11.02)
Harrow Stuckists founded (International Groups 17.11.02))
Macclesfield Stuckists founded (International Groups 15.11.02)
Stuckism leads: White Cube follows (again) (Gossip 13.11.02)
Stephen Howarth on Turner Prize in Canada National Post (Direct Link to CNP 12.11.02)
New page added for interviews Thomson/Podstolski (Interviews 12.11.02)
Stuckism no. 1 out of 594,000 (Gossip 8.11.02)
Radio Netherlands Stuckist interview on Turner Prize (Home 1.11.02)
Billy Childish (ex Stuckist) painting show + Turner Comments (Home 1.11.02)
Dr Tyrell and Nic Serota (Ranko Bon 24.10.02)
Stuckist Diaryland page Most updates from March 2001 to October 2002 are here,
including news on 2001 Turner Prize demo.

Tate Modern Andy Warhol Omission (News 10.2.02)
Serota insults Massow (News 05.2.02)
Ivan Massow/Stuckists BBC News Site (News 20.1.02)

Brand New message board now up! (direct link 07.12.01)
Turner demo at Tate Britain (news:07.11.01) & BBC story direct link
Study of Turner Prize with Stuckists (News: 6.11.01)
Stuckist single a hit somewhere in Canada
Muswell Hill group started (International Groups)
Stuckist show Melbourne (International news:31.10.01)
New group: Chicago Stuckists (International Groups)
New group: Stuckism goes upmarket to Hampstead
(International Groups)
Reuters - Stuckists are the critics (news: 4.10.01)
Two new groups in the wild East of England
(International Groups:25.09.01) 

Rachel Jordan's Virgin debut (news: 20.9.01)
Oz gets unstuck (International news:10.09.01)
Thomson art in Covent Garden (Events: 4.9.01)
Vote Stuckist shows and political party now archived
Stuckist Chat Room
(Int News: 10.7.01)

Billy Childish leaves the Stuckists
Book launch and show now archived (Shows and Events 21.3.01) 
Stella Vine Gets Married (Gossip 20.8.01)
Three New Haven Stuckists will show art (International News: 14.8.01)
National radio broadcast USA (Interntional News: 16.7.01)
New York art reviewed by Jeremy Puma (Writings:12.7.01)
Australia Stuckists TV debate (International News: 12.7.01)
Westminster Stuckists Come Unstuck (News: 10.7.01)
Post it notes win art award - almost (Int news: 10.07.01)
STUCKafé in Brazil
First Stuckist group in Latin America (International Groups: 18.6.01)
Stuckism comes to/on America: First US show a success (International News: 13.6.01)
8 new groups from Westminster, via Seville to IvoryCoast (International Groups 12.6.01)
Seattle Stuckists bash conceptualists with new cartoon (International News: 07.6.01)
Sir Nicholas Serota angry with Stuckists (News: 4.6.01)
Stuckists hit Melbourne Press (International News: 29.5.01)

Stuckism 20th Century Art Movement - official! (news:3.3.01)
Louisa Buck (who's she?) (news: 3.3.01)
Three more UK groups kick off in Kent (World: 4.3.01)
A Storm in a tea cup (Ranko Bon:03.03.01)
Stuckism for dinner parties - ES, Evening Standard(news: 2.3.01)
Herr Von Stuck rises from the grave (gossip 1.3.01)
Stuckist wallpaper (gossip:1.3.01)
Stuckists, Attitude, two Rankin nude hunks (news: 1.3.01)
Stuckist book reviewed in Creative Review (news: 1.3.01
Complete media appearances to date (home: 1.3.01)
Billy Childish & The Stuckists vinyl single(news:1.3.01)
Sexy Elsa exhibits to MPs (gossip: 27.2.01)
New Stuckist groups: Oxford, Kingston Students, Middlesbrough, Brighton, Paris (World: 16.2.01)

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